Sunday 23 October 2016


Bali (Balinese: ᬩᬮᬶ) is an island and province of Indonesia. The province includes the island of Bali and a few smaller neighbouring islands, notably Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan. It is located at the westernmost end of the Lesser Sunda Islands, between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. Its capital,Denpasar, is located in the southern part of the island.
With a population of 3,890,757 in the 2010 census,[4] and 4,225,000 as of January 2014,[5] the island is home to most of Indonesia's Hindu minority. According to the 2010 Census, 83.5% of Bali's population adhered to Balinese Hinduism,[3] followed by 13.4% Muslim, Christianity at 2.5%, and Buddhism 0.5%.[6]
Bali is a popular tourist destination, which has seen a significant rise in tourists since the 1980s. It is renowned for its highly developed arts, including traditional and modern dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking, and music. The Indonesian International Film Festival is held every year in Bali.
Bali is part of the Coral Triangle, the area with the highest biodiversity of marine species. In this area alone over 500 reef building coral species can be found. For comparison, this is about 7 times as many as in the entire Caribbean.[7] Most recently, Bali was the host of the 2011 ASEAN Summit, 2013 APEC and Miss World 2013. Bali is the home of the Subak Irrigation System, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Bali adalah sebuah provinsi di Indonesia. Ibu kota provinsi ini adalah Denpasar. Bali juga merupakan nama dari pulau utama di wilayah ini.
Di awal kemerdekaan Indonesia, pulau ini termasuk dalam Provinsi Sunda Kecil[3][4]. yang beribu kota di Singaraja, dan kini terbagi menjadi 3 provinsi: Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, dan Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Selain terdiri dari Pulau Bali, wilayah Provinsi Bali juga terdiri dari pulau-pulau yang lebih kecil di sekitarnya, yaitu Pulau Nusa Penida, Pulau Nusa Lembongan, Pulau Nusa Ceningan dan Pulau Serangan.
Secara geografis, Bali terletak di antara Pulau Jawa dan Pulau Lombok. Mayoritas penduduk Bali adalah pemeluk agama Hindu. Di dunia, Bali terkenal sebagai tujuan pariwisata dengan keunikan berbagai hasil seni-budayanya, khususnya bagi para wisatawan Jepang dan Australia. Bali juga dikenal dengan julukan Pulau Dewata dan Pulau Seribu Pura.

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